Monday 3 February 2014



We're here! The first flight, LHR-LAX, was uneventful. Two hours later, the second, LAX-AUK, while only an hour longer at 13, was interminable. Largely because poor little Izzy spent the majority of it throwing up every 40 minutes. She seems fine now. 

Here's our home for the next three weeks: 

We spent two hours trying to leave Aukland, the signposting of which seems, like so many cities, to be specifically designed to vortex tourists trying to avoid them into its busy bits.

Wangateau was as far north up the east coast of the north island we got before we couldn't stay awake

and committed the cardinal jet lag sin of 'a little nap' for 5 hours, coming round at 7.30pm. 

It's 10 to 10 now and I'm loitering in the campsite kitchen waiting for pizza to cook. It's mid 20s, and was bright and sunny before it got dark. The crescent moon is backwards in the sky. 


  1. Look at that sunshine! Which way does the traffic vortex rotate in the southern hemisphere?

  2. Hey, Whites - so glad to hear that you're safely there! Looks GORGEOUS, and we're excited to follow your posts! Love to all - Joe, Denise, Maggie, Ellie

  3. Haere mai, welcome to little ol' NZ! So sorry to hear about your journey, but glad you're out and about in out lovely land now. Love the blog and can't wait to see you in Welly where real beds/showers/toilets and a fun night out await you! Say hello to Tane Mahuta from us. He's a beauty, alright! Lots of love, Lorraine, Dunc, Lucas, Max and Toby. xx
