Tuesday 4 February 2014

Izzy's flight


Phew! What a trip! We had a plane journey from hell.

The first one from Heathrow to LA was ok, granted it was long but we were sitting in the middle row, second to the back and the seats behind us were free. We asked the flight attendant and he kindly said we could have them! Yay! They were in a row of four so mum and I had two seats each and dad and mads had two seats each as well. It was over in no time.

The second flight was a different story. After we got dropped of at LAX, we hung around for a bit and then got back on exactly the same plane in exactly the same seats to get to Auckland. The first half an hour went ok but then, out of no where I suddenly threw up! Dad rushed me to the loo and the flight attendants gave us some paper bags incase I was sick again. And I was. Again, again and again. About every forty minutes. Until about two hours before we landed and I managed to get some sleep.

By that time, our brains were all messed up because of the jet lag so all we wanted to do was get our caravan but we couldn't do that just yet because after I had got off the plane and I was in the queue I started to feel really funny and faint and according to mum, I had gone "dangerously white"! In the end, I was in the paramedics hands and I walked out of Auckland airport with couple of sick bags and an emergency teddy they had just happened to have in their bag!

Apart from that, New Zealand is great! It's so sunny and we're all in our shorts and tee shirts. The caravan is awesome. There are three double beds and two of them can be changed in to seats with a table that goes into the floor. We've already been in one campsite which was pretty cool, the showers there were so refreshing (maybe that's because I had just spent the last 12 hours stuck in a plane throwing up but that's just a theory). We decided we should have a two hour nap at 2pm and woke up at 7:30pm!

We're going to see a 1,500 year old tree today and maybe sail through a hole in the rock in the sea! Until tomorrow! Xxxxx

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