Wednesday 5 February 2014



Today was really cool. We got up at half past seven and had cooked breakfast about an hour later. Then we went to town to go on a boat trip around Russell (the town that we are staying in). The boat was a really cool one because there were three layers to it. The bottom one was inside and the middle and top were outside.

We were on the bottom layer but we could go outside and look out to sea at the very front. It was a four hour boat trip, the key features of it were dolphins and a massive hole in a massive rock. We saw loads of dolphins. There were about 50 of them. I think they were  bottle nose dolphins. Here's a picture of them jumping up!

Next, we went to go and see the hole in the rock.

We could've gone through it but the captain said that the sea was too choppy (and quite frankly, I thought he was right). The ride was super bumpy but I don't get motion sickness so I was alright.

We also saw: fish, birds diving and catching fish from the water, the worlds smallest penguin and a lighthouse.

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