Saturday 15 February 2014

Glacier pics


A few more glacier pics, following Izzy's earlier post. This is Fox, by the way, 20k south of Franz Josef, where it was still too cloudy.

Had a very similar experience to the Grand Canyon. The only time you go tend to go up in choppers is over incredible sights, and you get so distracted by how unfeasibly cool helicopters are you don't take in the sight you're up there to see quite like you should. The only way to alleviate this problem would seem to be to buy a helicopter. So that's that then. Anyway. Both chopper and glacier were pretty amazing.


  1. Been following your journey and it all looks fairly amazing. However the Helli ride and the glacier has just blown me away. You lucky buggers!!!!!!!!

    Nik would tell me that is too many exclamation marks but I think it is justified in this case.

    Dave Child

  2. Wow! What a contrast to the hot springs - more like the Winter Olympics! Was Izzy in training for the next one? As for the 'copter ride!!! (Sorry Dave Nik's right, you can only have 3). After days of rain and a frost overnight it is bright and sunny here in Hants - it won't last though. Still Maddie will know about getting wet after her little walk in the forest.
    D / Grand-D

  3. that's amazing. Always wanted to see a glacier !
