Wednesday 12 February 2014

The tails of five whales


Whale watching today. Perfect weather conditions for sailing. Not too rocky, not too choppy. Perfect. On average, you are likely to see two whales. But not us. Oh no, we saw 5. 5 beautiful, magnificent, whales. Quite log like, but all the same, whales.

We saw the first one twice, at beginning and end. The species we saw were The Giant Sperm Whale. In my opinion, the best of all the whales I’ve seen so far in my lifetime (5). It says in the leaflet we were given that , and I quote, ‘The Giant Sperm Whale is the fourth largest of all the Great Whales,’ And, quite surprisingly, ‘each tooth of The Sperm Whale can weigh up to 1 kilogram in weight and can be 20cm in length.’ Pretty impressive.

Another Whale fact for you; ‘The Sperm Whale has the largest brain of any living animal. Their brain is approximatly the size of a basket ball, 7 times bigger than a human brain.’ And I thought I was smart!

The first one was amazing, it was probably just as amazing as all the others but it was my first expeirience with whales so it was pretty cool.

They kind of floated on the surface for a minute and then went down agin. When they came back up again, this massive spurt of water came up and then he rose again.

He did this cycle for about 10 minutes and then, quite suddenly, the announcer lady said he was going to dive. He arched his back and flicked his tail and I saw the all familiar tail, of The Sperm Whale.

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