Saturday 15 February 2014

The chopper


First kiwis, now flying to see a glacier in a helicopter. That's right. We had already tried to book ourselves a trip in a chopper two times but "the weather conditions were too bad" apparently. I didn't see any thing wrong with it, but I suppose that if we're flying in a cloud then there's no point in flying in the chopper. The whole point was to see the glacier from really high on the sky. And that we did. From very high on the sky. Here's a picture:

We went to the company that flew up there and they gave us a safety briefing. Then us and seven others all got in tour bus to the helipads. The choppers were already started up and raring to go. It was so windy, I couldn't help thinking about Robert Romano in the series ER when he got his arm chopped off by a helicopter. *shiver*. Anyways. It was just us four and the pilot in the heli. On the way there, it was me and mum on the front with pilot, Marcus. It's surreal that you're down on the ground one minute, next minute you're up in the mountain on a glacier, and then next minute you're on the ground again! Cool huh?! 

The glacier itself was just amazing to look at. Some parts rocky, some parts snowy, all of it magnificent. Surprisingly, it was only 2 or 3 degrees colder up there than it was down on the ground. Strange. 

Good start to the day. 

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