Thursday 6 February 2014

The long drive

Today we drove and drove and drove. Seven hours. Through pretty and dull. No sheep. Where are the 43 million sheep? Cows a plenty but no so much as a lamb. Most of the country side is undulating, green and pleasant. The towns are drab, strips of urbanness that quickly slide by before more gental hills full of no sheep. Arrived in Matamata around 6pm. Cute looking place close to Hobbiton (tomorrow's adventure) and we pulled into the nearest campsite Opal Springs. Odd place. Run down, shabby. But does the job. Gave the women at reception £100 for our Shire Tour tomorrow. Got a small handwritten receipt for our bucks.  Odd. Hope it works! 
Saw a lovely waterfall earlier today. Best part. Apart from my 2 hour sleep whilst Si did the driving. 

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