Tuesday 28 January 2014



Amazing article in The Guardian today. A mate at work sent it to me saying 'Saw this and thought of you'. Yeah right. Full story here.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Count down


Izzy introduced me to an app called, uninspiringly but appropriately, "count down to an event". So here's my personal clock, tick tocking away in the background on my phone. Just need someone to say "not long now" and I can instantly give them an exact timeframe to NZ-day. 

Saturday 25 January 2014

An actual thing


So apparently White Kiwis are an actual thing. Who knew?

Doesn't look very pleased about being actual, does he?

There's a bit more excitement than that around here. 1 week and 22 minutes till wheels up.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

The luggage arrives


A serious step this. It's starting to feel real. Having realised we really didn't have any suitable luggage, we've spent an extra little fortune on what are essentially bags.

Big bags. Sturdy bags. Rugged bags. Bags with YouTube clips of blokes hurling them off craggy mountains and going to inspect their entirely unblemished forms at the bottom.

Though now we're worried that the slightly less enormous variety might not quite be enormous enough. But it probably will. We can't take everything.

Here's a 6-year old in an XL bag:

Loads of room. Here's an 11-year-old in an XL bag:

Ok fine. Here's a 6-year old in a Large bag, AND an 11-year-old in an XL bag:

We may have to get them plane tickets if we want to take anything else though.